1228 Employment insurance, immigration, border services and revenue officers
Category: Business, finance and administration occupations
Major Group 12 : Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations

This unit group includes government officers who administer and enforce laws and regulations related to immigration, employment insurance, customs and tax revenue. They are employed by government agencies.
Example Titles
border services officer
customs inspector
customs officer
employment insurance agent
employment insurance benefits control officer
immigration agent – government services
immigration examining officer
revenue officer
tax collection officer
tax enforcement officer
Main duties
Employment insurance officers perform some or all of the following duties:
- Determine the eligibility of persons applying for employment insurance benefits
- Ascertain the facts on such issues as reasons for loss of employment and availability for work
- Monitor the payments of benefits throughout the duration of a claim and investigate claimants when there appears to be fraud or abuse.
Immigration officers perform some or all of the following duties:
- Determine admissibility of persons seeking entry into Canada by examining documents and conducting interviews
- Grant landed-immigrant status, admit persons or order detention or deportation
- Locate and apprehend persons presumed to be infringing on immigration laws
- Assist in the removal of deported people by seeking authorization from receiving countries and securing necessary travel documents
- Appear as a witness in cases related to immigration appeals.
Border services officers and customs inspectors perform some or all of the following duties:
- Question persons at border points to determine the admissibility of goods and assess duty
- Inspect baggage to detect undeclared merchandise, or contraband
- Inform manufacturers and shippers of customs and laws and procedures
- Observe fabrication of articles affected by customs laws and conduct appraisals
- Board carriers arriving from foreign countries to determine nature of cargo to ensure compliance with customs and commerce laws
- Inspect goods imported by mail
- May arrest and detain individuals suspected of having committed a criminal offence under the Customs Act or certain other designated Criminal Code offences until police intervention is possible.
Excise tax revenue officers perform some or all of the following duties:
- Audit accounting records to determine income, exemptions, payable taxes, compliance with reporting regulations and existence of fraud
- Examine accounting systems and internal controls of organizations
- Provide advice on reporting and evaluation methods for goods subject to taxation
- Prepare briefs and assist in searching and seizing records, and in preparing charges for court cases.
Employment requirements
- A bachelor’s degree or college diploma is usually required.
- Several years of related administrative or regulatory experience may be required.
- Completion of specialized government training is required.
Additional information
- Progression to managerial positions in these fields is possible with experience.
To submit your assessment application under the 2015 Canadian Immigration quota, click here
