1253 Records management technicians
Category: Business, finance and administration occupations
Major Group 12 : Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations

Records management technicians operate and maintain systems for the collection, classification, retrieval and retention of records, images, documents and information. Records management technicians are employed throughout the private and public sectors.
Example Titles
information management technician
microfilm records searcher
records classifier
records digitizing technician
records technician
Main duties
Records management technicians perform some or all of the following duties:
- Implement and update records classification, retention and disposal scheduling plans
- Classify, code, cross-reference, log and store records
- Develop document inventories and maintain indexes for classification systems
- Operate information retrieval systems to research and extract records according to established guidelines in response to requests
- Label, prepare and transfer information files according to established records management life-cycle procedures and schedules
- Maintain access lists for security classified records
- Compile statistics and reports on activities within records management services.
Employment requirements
- Records management technicians usually require completion of a two- to three-year college program in information or records management technology.
- Two to three years experience in a records management environment may be required.
Additional information
- Progression to supervisory positions is possible with additional training and experience.
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