2232 Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians
Category: Natural and applied sciences and related occupations
Major Group 22 : Technical occupations related to natural and applied sciences

Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians provide technical support and services or may work independently in mechanical engineering fields such as the design, development, maintenance and testing of machines, components, tools, heating and ventilating systems, power generation and power conversion plants, manufacturing plants and equipment. They are employed by consulting engineering, manufacturing and processing companies, institutions and government departments.
Example Titles
HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) technologist
aeronautical technologist
heating designer
machine designer
marine engineering technologist
mechanical engineering technician
mechanical engineering technologist
mechanical technologist
mould designer
thermal station technician
tool and die designer
tool designer
View all titles
Main duties
Mechanical engineering technologists perform some or all of the following duties:
Prepare and interpret conventional and computer-assisted design (CAD) engineering designs, drawings, and specifications for machines and components, power transmission systems, process piping, heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems
Prepare cost and material estimates, project schedules and reports
Conduct tests and analyses of machines, components and materials to determine their performance, strength, response to stress and other characteristics
Design moulds, tools, dies, jigs and fixtures for use in manufacturing processes
Inspect mechanical installations and construction
Prepare contract and tender documents
Supervise, monitor and inspect mechanical installations and construction projects
Prepare standards and schedules and supervise mechanical maintenance programs or operations of mechanical plants.
Mechanical engineering technicians perform some or all of the following duties:
Assist in preparing conventional and computer-assisted design (CAD) engineering designs, drawings and specifications
Carry out a limited range of mechanical tests and analyses of machines, components and materials
Assist in the design of moulds, tools, dies, jigs and fixtures for use in manufacturing processes
Assist in inspection of mechanical installations and construction projects
Participate in the installation, repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment.
Employment requirements
Completion of a two- or three-year college program in mechanical engineering technology is usually required for mechanical engineering technologists.
Completion of a one- or two-year college program in mechanical engineering technology is usually required for mechanical engineering technicians.
Certification in mechanical engineering technology or in a related field is available through provincial associations of engineering/applied science technologists and technicians and may be required for some positions.
A period of supervised work experience, usually two years, is required before certification.
In Quebec, membership in the regulatory body is required to use the title “Professional Technologist.”
Additional information
There is mobility to other related occupations such as technical sales or drafting technologists and technicians.
Progression to supervisory occupations such as mechanical construction supervisor, manufacturing supervisor or operations maintenance manager is possible with experience.
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