8613 Aquaculture and marine harvest labourers
Category: Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations
Major Group 86 : Harvesting, landscaping and natural resources labourers

This occupational group includes aquaculture support workers, marine plant gatherers, shellfish diggers and other labourers in aquaculture and fishing. Aquaculture support workers are employed by public or private fish hatcheries and commercial aquatic farms. Marine plant gatherers and shellfish harvesters may be self-employed.
Example Titles
aquaculture support worker
clam digger
dulse gatherer
fish farm helper
fish tagger
fry marker
marine plant gatherer
oyster picker
sea farm attendant
seaweed gatherer
shellfish harvester
Main duties
Aquaculture support workers perform some or all of the following duties:
- Assist aquaculture technicians in the operation of fish hatcheries or other aquatic farms
- Feed aquaculture stocks, vaccinate stocks, perform culling and marking or banding techniques and report any observed irregularities in stocks
- Operate, maintain and clean pumps, filters, tanks and other aquaculture equipment and clean and maintain aquaculture enclosures
- Keep daily records of water flow and fish samples
- Grade and weigh aquaculture stocks
- Prepare aquaculture stocks for market
- May operate boats aquaculture operations.
Marine plant gatherers perform some or all of the following duties:
- Rake seaweed, dulse or Irish moss from beach, rocks or shallow water and load into a cart, wagon or other receptacles
- Spread gatherings to dry and remove foreign objects
- Transport gatherings to processing plant.
Shellfish harvesters perform some or all of the following duties:
- Dig clams from beds with spades, forks or other instruments, or collect oysters
- Clean, sort and transport shellfish to market.
Employment requirements
- Some secondary school education is usually required.
- Shellfish harvesters require commercial fishing licences.
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