9418 Other metal products machine operators
Category: Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Major Group 94 : Processing and manufacturing machine operators and related production workers

This unit group includes metal products machine operators, not elsewhere classified, who operate one or more automatic or multi-purpose machines to produce a variety of metal parts and products, such as wire mesh, nails, bolts and chains. They are employed by a wide variety of metal products manufacturing companies.
Example Titles
bolt machine operator
bullet maker
can-forming machine operator
chain-making machine operator
metal cable maker operator
nail making machine tender
spring machine operator
wire screen maker
wire weaver
Main duties
Machine operators in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:
- Operate or tend automatic or multi-purpose machines including wire looms to produce metal parts and metal products such as wire screening, fencing, tinware, metal baskets, racks, hooks, metal tubing and similar articles
- Fit and assemble components using hand and power tools
- Clean, polish, file or otherwise finish products
- Check products for quality and other specifications
- May clean and lubricate machinery.
Employment requirements
- Some secondary school education is usually required.
- On-the-job training is provided.
- Experience as a labourer in the same company may be required.
Additional information
- There is some mobility among machine operators in this unit group.
- Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.
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