44. What organizations can complete an Education
Credential Assessment (ECA) or language test?
Category: Language Testing and Educational Credential Assessments (ECAs)

CIC has selected three organizations that can assess any foreign educational credential:
- Comparative Education Service: University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies;
- International Credential Assessment Service of Canada; and
- World Education Services, Canada.
If you are applying:
- as a specialist physician (NOC 3111) or general practitioner/family physician (NOC 3112), the Medical Council of Canada must do an ECA for your primary medical diploma;
- as a pharmacist (NOC 3131), the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada must do your ECA.
Note: ECAs done by the two professional bodies designated by CIC (Medical Council of Canada and Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada) are used by CIC for immigration purposes and are recognized by the profession’s regulatory authorities as one component of their overall licensure process. Please contact the regulatory authority in the province where you plan to live for more information on the licensure process.
For any other occupation, check the websites of the other CIC-designated organizations or contact them directly to find out which one best suits your needs. Consider the following:
- Some designated organizations partner with certain regulatory bodies or large employers. That means that the ECA you obtain for your application to CIC might also help you later on.
- Check with each designated organization to find out what other organizations recognize their assessments.
Learn more about Educational Credential Assessments.
Apply for your assessment under the Canadian Express entry program.
